Known Turns into the Unknown: Leo Kirjonen’s Beginning in Estonia
I was born less than 100 kilometers from Tallinn. I lived with my mom right by the sea on the fourth floor. On a bright day, I was eating a snack at the kitchen table and I was able to see the skyline of the city. On a gloomy night, the shimmering reflection of the town’s lights mixed beautifully on the rising steam of my hot chocolate. I was so close by but yet, so far. When I was in Finland I visited Tallinn multiple times growing up, but the city and the whole country remained quite distant.
I started my Master’s in Communication Management in autumn 2024. My peers are from quite various backgrounds and have given me the same sensation that I had while doing my bachelor’s degree in Amsterdam. The sense of unity, despite the differences we have with our backgrounds. Within the course of KOI7067.FK Basics of Intercultural Communication, we got in touch with students even further. We were no longer limited on the students we share the same physical space. We got to expand our communication with easy solutions and got together with various online platforms. Video calls made it easier to connect and truly become friends with one another despite the fact we had a whole ocean separating us. For sure, it was not the first time I have gotten friends from other continents, but it still is a good reminder that in the end, we tend to have similar issues and needs in life. In the world of disparities, it is good to acknowledge we all have to deal with same stuff and we are not that different from one another.
The physical boarders between countries and obvious limitations that separates us are no longer a reason to stay oblivious on matters that other people face. Majority of all the people have access to internet and for most of the cases, it is fair to say it is not limited in harsh manners. There is always also social media, cultural preferences, movies, books and all the other communicational ways we can educate ourselves on others and their point of views.
As an adult, it is easy to surround myself with issues and other things that keep me busy. In the end, it is my choice if I choose to look at the skyline and wonder what lies on the other side. No, there are no longer excuses why I would not educate myself on something that is “far and unreachable”. I choose to believe that the solutions on conflict solving lies within communication. I choose to educate and inform myself on others and I allow myself being influenced by others. I choose for myself not to shelter and close myself up in a bubble.
Estonia has proven to be more diverse, complex and layered that I could have ever imagined. Now I feel I did not allow myself to see all the things it had to offer and the same must apply to all the other countries as well. I do understand that I am very privileged by the fact that I have gotten opportunities to study abroad, learn languages and cultures. We also cannot forget that no one chooses the place they are born at or with. We have the opportunity to change life and make the best of it. When given the opportunity, it is up to us just hopping onboard and enjoy the ride. We might think that we know what lies after net turn, but before we truly get there, there is no certainty about anything.