Documentary 2016


Documentary – The Slow Path Home

This film is a filmmaker's wish to make peace with the place she was born. On a rainy autumn day she takes a long familiar walk back to her home Penikoorma. Upon her arrival the childhood memories blend into the present day and the answer to the question - Can one lose a home? - finds its answer.


Director: Hõbe Ilus is a producer and director from Estonia. She is the creative producer at the production company Sui. She graduated from Baltic Film and Media School in 2018 (MA in Documentary). She has travelled a lot and been enrolled in several international workshops and masterclasses, including a 10-month documentary arts program UnionDocs Collaborative Studio 2020 (New York). Having experienced life from unfamiliar angles, she has learnt she can never escape her roots. In her practice she is fascinated by perception and memory. 
